Stop dreaming and get back to reality.

When you first land in America , the first thing that you notice is the roadways. Amazingly wide and multiple Lane roads with cars whizzing past at over 65 mph. If you are anything of a car enthusiast , the first thought that occurs , is to own a Mercedes or a BMW and drive on these roads. Ah... the dreamer. A couple of months later , after you have got your SSN and your DL , you start looking at second hand cars in You realise that a good BMW (hmmm.. thats kind of redundant, aint it?) would be affordable if you had 8000 dollars. Thats not too bad. Then you start consulting with your friends ( all of whom btw have Nissans , Hondas and Toyotas) about the cars and talk about the Beamer.

Friend A with his infinite wisdom ( courtesy of having lived in the US for the last 6 months) starts his analysis -" Oh Beamer eh? Be careful when you buy a car that is more than 5 years old. European cars might not be great in maintenance. That is why I bought a Toyota."

Friend B , who has limited wisdom (has been in US for 4 months and has bought a car just a month or so back)- " People buy a BMW or a Merc and drive the pistons of it. You should buy a European Marquee only if it is relatively new. The Japanese cars are safer and more reliable. Buy your car from a desi and it will run well even if it has run more than 80k miles"

The little devil on your shoulder pokes at you and you begin to search for "High Class" European Marquees that are less than 5 years old. Hmmm 14K dollars. It then dawns that you might not be able to afford the car unless you stay for a year in the US ( which btw, is subject to a myriad of conditions , if you work in the IT industry . If the client has new projects, If there is a requirement at onsite blab blab blab). After hours of searching on craigslist and , you come to the conclusion that Japanese car are the way to go. With a sigh , you resign to buying the reliable , used Japanese cars.

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