( Contains quite a few spoilers)
The reason , we go to watch a Rajni movie is to see the charismatic mannerisms and punch dialogues and to be entertained for 3 hours. Sivaji manages to gives us the mannerisms and dialogues in good doses but leaves the viewer thinking that there is always something that is lacking. The movie stops and stutters through the entire first half but manages to entertain due to Rajni's strong screen presence and Shreya's ravishing beauty.
The style is evident right from the first sound byte that we get from Rajni. All we hear is just an 'Ummm'. This is perhaps the first time when the protagonist of a movie has been introduced with his face masked in a tamil movie. Shankar's storyline seems to go nowhere during the first one hour but more than compensates in the grandeur of the songs. Shankar had earlier shown his penchant for painting things for his songs ( Painting mountains in Anniyan) and his continues the trend in this movie , painting the potbellies of a few 100 people. Ballelaika is as good an intro song as any of Rajni's recent intro songs and Nayantara looks hot. The 'comedy scenes' of socializing with Shreya's family and Solomon Papaiya was pedestrian at best. Vivek though tunes right in , from the first scene and his timing and his dialogue delivery is thoroughly enjoyable. Vivek manages to be for Rajni what Coundamani was to Arjun in Gentleman , with a touch more class perhaps. A fight scene in the warehouse of a music store reminds of the Drum dance in Chandralekha and is again expensively made.
Shreya looks hot throughout the movie and is a sight for sore eyes ( nothing sore about the visuals of the movie though). During parts of Vaaji Vaaji , Shreya looks so damn hot , you forget that Rajni is part of the frame. ( That doesn't happen often in a Rajni starrer , so Shreya - Take a bow) .The set resembling Babylonian palace is wonderfully constructed and Thota Tharani shows that he is in a league of his own.
The sore point from the first half is the stagnant screenplay. You expect racy stuff from rajni movie , with one wave of emotions surpassing the other , but this movie manages to stagnate into still water , despite Rajni's charisma.
Suman as Adiseshan is a welcome change from the screaming villains of the recent tamil movies. He brings an understated performance to the screen and makes the character believable. He excels in the few scenes where he has extensive dialogue , especially the one in which he gives Sivaji the one rupee coin. The movie moves into a different orbit after that scene and races from one scene to the other.
Rajni , with his inimitable style carries the movie on his shoulders and delivers great entertainment. He reinvents himself with a bubble gum( As cigarettes are banned on films- Duh!!!) , throwing it into his mouth from umpteen different actions. His flipping of the coin is another class act and has the crowd ( that obviously includes a hoarse throated me) in raptures. His scene on a tea kadai bench with Suman is one for the ages and brings out the star in the superstar. Punch dialogues like ' Panninga thaan kootama varum , Singam Single aa thaan varum' are delivered with characteristic panache and makes you stand up and scream your appreciation.
The car fight in the second half seems farcical but , I didn't go to this movie expecting logic , so it was laugh riot and complete entertainment. Seeing cars move to the sounds of King Kong is the limit , but you can't help laughing at that scene (oh! that was supposed to be a solid fight scene. Sorry Shankar , that just doesnt cut through as a fight scene. Comedy scene yeah perhaps).
Rajni's imitation of Shivaji, MGR and Kamal during his first night explanations with Shreya are a revelation and is fun to watch. Adhiradee is a blatant 'tribute' to the Mariachi Trilogy of Robert Rodriguez and is meant to be a fun track.
Pyramid Natarajan, Vadivukarasi , Manivannan ( from villain to father's brother to father - manivannan has travelled a lot with Rajni) , Raghuvaran , Solomon Papaiya all make fleeting appearances on the screen from time to time.
The scenes with Mottai Boss are vintage Rajni. Just when you thought that Lakalaka laka was the best performance in recent times, Rajni ups the ante and turns on the style and charisma. His landing from the helicopter and his scene at Adi's office are sheer power scenes. You eagerly wait for things to unfold and lap up all that is being offered. Personally , the piece where Mottai Boss comes into the movie is my favourite.
Shankar has as usual tried to give a social message in this as well , but it is old wine in a new bottle, and we would like some other social message other than corruption. How many times is Shankar planning to grind the life out of this theme ( Gentleman , Indian , Mudhalvan , Anniyan and now this ??). Shankar provides an extravaganza of unseen scale but needs to work on tighter scripts.
Rajni - is the real boss of the Movie!!! Welcome back !!!
Oh! and a Big Thank you to the distributors of this film who got the Pottis in time.
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A different but rather inflammatory review by Karthik
IndiaGlitz Review
Gud review dude...Its just as I felt y'day when seeing the movie.
Good Review Yaggy. It feels good to hear that atleast some one is there who feels that the script was a let down. Rajnikant does take the movie on his shoulders, but somehow, apart from his histionics, I thought that the movie lacked substance.
Your review seems more detailed about specific aspects, a different review from a connoiseur.
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